The 2021 program will provide presentations on a wide range of subjects.

Wednesday 11 August
8.00 amRegistration opens
Registration opens Pick up your conference compendium and name badge.
8.30 amOfficial opening by Mayor Albert Jacob, City of Joondalup
Mathew Gill, Former General Manager, Beaconsfield Mine
Beaconsfield—Never think it won’t happen to you
9.45 amPeter Hall, Project Manager, Wheatbelt Secondary Freight Network
Road design and testing
10.15–11.15 amExtended Morning tea
Visit our Exhibitors
11.15 amWORKSHOP
David Waters, Client Manager, Brain Box
LGWA Brain Academy—What it will mean for you
11.45 amAdrian Warner, Road Safety Commissioner, Western Australia
Road Safety
12.15 pmWORKSHOP
Michael Broadbridge, G11 Team
1.15 –2.30 pmExtended Lunch Break
Visit our Exhibitors
2.30 pmGretchen Lumsden, Institute of Weight and Life Management
Ways to boost your mental health and positive thinking
3.00–4.30 pmDrinks will be provided outside only so that you can mingle with the exhibitors before getting ready for the night's entertainment.
7.30 pmGreat Gatsby Speakeasy Evening
Canapés and Drinks throughout the evening.
Don’t forget to dress to impress—Flapper dresses for ladies and braces, violin cases and trilbies for men.

View Wednesday Presenter profiles

Thursday 12 August
7.00 amBuffet Breakfast in Pool side Marquee
8.00 amSpruiking Internal stands
5 minute sessions for all stand holders
9.30 amLG Works Annual General Meeting
10.15 amCarol Redford, Astrotourism WA
Dark Sky and Astrotourism Policy: what does it mean for Local Government?
10.45 amBrunch—inside and out
Last chance to visit the exhibitors
11.45 amExhibitor’s presentation of prizes
12.00 pmEmma Horsefield, Safety Program Manager, LGIS
WHS What’s it all about?
Current legislation and future legislation—what do we need to know? What are the core differences? What does it all mean? More importantly, how can we keep everyone safe so that they return home safe and well to their families.
12.30 pmTony Hemming, Arena Manager, Optus Stadium
How to look after a multi-purpose grass area
1.00 pmClosing remarks
Ken Markham, President, LGWA Inc

Bus trip to Optus Stadium for those who have booked
The coach will leave at 2.00pm from the hotel reception and return to the hotel at 5.00pm.

View Thursday Presenter profiles